Maskwacis Cultural College’s Microlearning Trainings

About Us

We will continue to advance and preserve: iyiniw pimatsiwin, ekwa iyiniw mamitoneyicekan (indigenous forms of life and thinking). At its most fundamental level, we will remember dreams and visions (nistameymahkanak) for future generations. It was the founding members of MCC who embraced the concept of higher learning.

Our mission is to educate with discipline and compassion to that Indigenous and other communities will be inspired by creative, intelligent individuals. They will in turn nurture, serve, lead, and bring justice to the world.

About our Micro-Learning Program

Maskwacis Cultural College hosts free microlearning trainings, now housed and accessible through this website, are short and focused trainings on a specific topic; these  sessions also provide opportunities for our students to earn hours for their practicum, professional development for instructors, practicing teaching and facilitating online, and creating/sharing digital content.

Microlearning sessions are currently delivered via Google Hangouts/Meet. Each session runs for 30-60 minutesl; all session are delivered by professional volunteer instructors and are offered in collaboration with various organizations. Seven series of our microlearning sessions were launched in April of 2020. The areas of training are as follows:

  1. Cree language
  2. Decolonization, Indigenization and Indigenous Peoples/Scholars
  3. Online learning, teaching pedagogy and tools
  4. Data Science, and coding and tech tools
  5. Writing skills
  6. Wellness and resilience
  7. Free resources

You can learn more about these trainings – including accessing previous session recordings and our schedule of future sessions – on our calendar or our YouTube channel.